* Make an new amazing lightshow
* Build a new, sparkling decoration in a dark area of the yard
* Build the new megatree from last year even higher this time
* Build a portal over the entrance-path
* Exchange more lights for LED's
During this week we've had a lot of snow! So today I have
been shoveling and trimmed, to do the best out of it.
Took some pictures how it looked this morning.
Finally all lights are installed and ready to be turned on!
Perfectly before the december 1st the snow arrived in perfect amount.
Now I can enjoy what all hard work have given.
After all these weekends of hard work we are about to be finished.
Almost all lights is now up and tested. Also the lightshow have got a
run trought. The new stuff was built this weekend.
Picture number one show how I build the portal which is new for this year.
Its built of PVC pipes and is over 2 meters high.
On picture number two we see it dressed in garland with multicolored lights,
and a new lightstring with lanterns which is really beautiful.
A closeup on a lantern is on picture number three.
Of the lights shown on picture number four I have built the other news for this year.
Picture five shows how its built up and picture six shows it in daylight test.
It looks really cool in the dark. Can you see what it will look like?
Now is 18000 lights installed. Only 1000 lights left to install
next weekend. The new things and the signs will be put up.
On picture number one we can see that the arched, the white artificial
trees and that the santa sleigh have been put up.
The white trees have got new LED strings with white wires, which works
very nice with the white trees. Unfortunately they were not available in
red yet, but I solved it with painting 200 clear lights with red color (Pic 2).
I built a heavyduty foot for the trees, to ensure their durability in heavy
winds, because the original feets doesnt, cause they simply isnt designed to
be outside. A long 2 by 4 wooden beam with a couple of crossing beams makes it.
Most of the controlboxes is now fully wired in. The box on picture three I
usually leave the cables in, because they are short and only need to be
plugged into the white trees strings. Next weekend I will run all the datacables
to the boxes, so the lights and the lightshow could be tested.
During last weekend was a great amount of lights installed:
The megatrees built of lights. The new one from last year, with
the beautiful star, was raised one meter more over the ground.
Its really spectacular to stand beside it. Its just about that I
can reach when I stand on top of the ladder. Its now over 15 feet.
The days before the weekend we had the first snow on the ground, but it
middle of the yard. 500 multicolored lights installed on that picture.
On picture number three we se all 1350 ligts on the 9 feet tree.
On picture number four you can see the new tree, which now is larger.
Its built of 1000 lights, so its place for more for next year.
Picture number five shows the test of the star I made last year.
During the weekend a large amount of cables was wired into the controlboxes (pic six).
In this box ten cables with five wires each, plus a few with 3 wires each
is wired in. The box has 32 channels.
700 lights was installed in the hedges infront of the house, and because they where
cut down this spring, they havent grown so large yet. But I found a good solution.
On picture eight you can see these lights being tested.
Next weekend comes the arches and the white artificial trees, which will get new
fresh led-lights. Lots of wireing will also be done, to get everything running.
Another weekend done. Saturday didnt give so much time for
hanging lights, so I was outside whole sunday instead.
Over 3000 lights was installed, still on schedule.
11113 lights is now up. The two large sprucetrees did get all their 1600 lights.
On picture nr one we can see how I weatherproof my transformers and junctions.
Picture two show 600 multicolor LEDs ready to be hanged in the two large
spruces, that we can see in picture three. When I started with christmaslights
ten years ago these trees weren't larger than normal christmastrees.
On picture nr four we can see the installed enclosure that controls
the lights on the two trees.
On picture nr five you can see the fully functioning icicle-lights on the garage.
On picture six you can see that the lightgarland is also up. The God Jul
(Merry Christmas)-sign is also there, but not lighted on this picture.
Next weekend its time to build up the megatrees built of lightstrings.
The second weekend offered lovely autumn weather, so now
I could finally get up and make the roof ready.
I also found time to install lights in two trees.
Just over 8000 lights is now up, 42% done.
Picture number one shows one of the lightsstrings leading up to the rooftop.
When last string had been installed on the roof, the sun went down.
Picture three show the lightstrings being installed on the corners of the house.
On picture four I test the lights to see that they are still working after
being installed. The stars and the bells is also installed on the roof
and cables is plugged in, so they just have to be wired into the controlboxes.
First weekend with the lights is done. 54 strings installed,
almost 3500 lights in 7 hours.
On picture 1 we can see more than half off all lights which
now will be unpacked.
Picture nr 2 shows the wonderful weather we had during saturday.
I kept close to the house installing lights around windows and doors.
Picture 3 shows such lightstring which is installed around windows, its
three 16 feet lightsstrings with 50 lights white, red and blue bound together.
Picture 4 shows the manditory testrun so that the colors are correctly wired.
The spruce shown on picture nr 5 has got its traditional lightstring.
Picture 6 shows what I did on sunday, winding up the iciclelights.
And on picture nr 7 we see them installed and tested.
Picture 8: The terrace did get all the lights too.
And picture 9 shows the balcony with running lights!
Next weekend weather is promised to be better, so upon the roof is next.
The music for this year is now mixed!
It will be 10 track and 4 of them is new.
Now will the music be loaded into the program
which makes the lightshow.
Of this I will build this years new stuff.
Next weekend the hard work putting everything up begins.